Archive for the ‘Adult Dating’ Category

Raising your Adult Dating Profile!

Your online dating profile is really important. Of course it is, because it can bring you friendship and love and it is worth taking time and advice on how to get it just so!
A good place to start is with what you like in other people’s online dating thumbnail sketches. What catches your eye and draws you in and what makes you gag and move on? Read the rest of this entry »


How to write a catchy adult dating site profile

The reason why you post your profile on an adult dating site is that people get attracted towards it and respond. Therefore, it is extremely important that you write an interesting, eye-catching and attractive profile for online dating. Not a mean job at all. It is no less than writing copy for an ad. After all, you are out there in the marketplace and you need to sell your assets to the best taker.
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